Swipe right to find the perfect creative freelancer in no time

From downloading Honter on your phone to publishing your project, it will take you less than 5 minutes. Very easy, right?!


Hundreds of freelancers waiting for you on Honter.

30 seconds downloading Honter

We created an app so lightweight that your phone can download it in less than 30 seconds.

30 seconds creating your account

You only need an email and a password to create an account with Honter.

2 minutes uploading your project

We will only ask for a brief description of the logo you need, your budget, and that's it.

Join Our Waiting List

Share your information with us, and we’ll notify you as soon as the app becomes available in your region

Finding the ideal creative freelancer is so easy and quick that you won't believe it


Find the perfect freelancer 30 times easier and faster

Using our matching system, we guarantee that you will find the ideal freelancer to develop your logo much faster than on other traditional platforms.


Find all kinds of freelancer styles and choose your favorite

Did you know that in Honter, you can easily view up to 150 portfolios in just 5 minutes? Additionally, you can receive proposals only from the ones you liked the most.



clients have created projects through Honter

Our commitment at Honter is to protect your money while the freelancer works on your project


Your money is safe with Honter until your project is completed

At Honter, we handle payments with a guarantee, which means your money will be held until the freelancer completes your project in full.

Have Questions?

It’s simple, safe, and convenient. Sign up for free by downloading the Honter app on your device and create a project indicating the required work. You’ll start liking the portfolios of freelancers that interest you the most, and if you match with any of them, the chat will be enabled so you can interact. The freelancers will send you their proposals and budgets. You choose the one that suits you best and accept their proposal. You make a payment in guarantee, and the freelancer will do the job. When they deliver it finished, you will release the money yourself.

We have developed a very dynamic and intuitive process. Basically, you have to upload a brief description of your project, the type of freelancer you need, and determine the budget you have.

Publishing a project on Honter is completely free.

Honter brings you freelancers from all creative areas that a company needs to grow: Graphic Design, Web Design, Industrial Design, UI/UX Design, Photography, 2D/3D Modeling, Architecture, Illustration, Fashion Design.

At the moment, you can make payments with a credit card. Very soon we will be adding more payment methods according to the country you are in.

Honter guarantees that if the freelancer does not complete the work you have assigned, you will be refunded.

Registering on Honter, creating projects, making matches, receiving proposals, and chatting with freelancers is free. However, in case of a successful hire, you will be charged a ‘service fee’.

Do you still have doubts?

Connect with a Honter agent

Swipe right to find the perfect creative freelancer in no time

From downloading Honter on your phone to publishing your project, it will take you less than 5 minutes. Very easy, right?!


Hundreds of freelancers waiting for you on Honter.

30 seconds downloading Honter

We created an app so lightweight that your phone can download it in less than 30 sec.

30 sec creating your account

You only need an email and a password to create an account with Honter.

2 minutes uploading your project

We will only ask for a brief description of the project you need, your budget, and that's it.

Join Our Waiting List

Share your information with us, and we’ll notify you as soon as the app becomes available in your region

Finding the ideal creative freelancer is so easy and quick that you won't believe it


Find the perfect freelancer 30 times easier and faster

Using our matching system, we guarantee that you will find the ideal freelancer to develop your logo much faster than on other traditional platforms.


Find all kinds of freelancer styles and choose your favorite

Did you know that in Honter, you can easily view up to 150 portfolios in just 5 minutes? Additionally, you can receive proposals only from the ones you liked the most.



clients have created projects through Honter

Our commitment at Honter is to protect your money while the freelancer works on your project


Your money is safe with Honter until your project is completed

At Honter, we handle payments with a guarantee, which means your money will be held until the freelancer completes your project in full.

Have Questions?

It’s simple, safe, and convenient. Sign up for free by downloading the Honter app on your device and create a project indicating the required work. You’ll start liking the portfolios of freelancers that interest you the most, and if you match with any of them, the chat will be enabled so you can interact. The freelancers will send you their proposals and budgets. You choose the one that suits you best and accept their proposal. You make a payment in guarantee, and the freelancer will do the job. When they deliver it finished, you will release the money yourself.

We have developed a very dynamic and intuitive process. Basically, you have to upload a brief description of your project, the type of freelancer you need, and determine the budget you have.

Publishing a project on Honter is completely free.

Honter brings you freelancers from all creative areas that a company needs to grow: Graphic Design, Web Design, Industrial Design, UI/UX Design, Photography, 2D/3D Modeling, Architecture, Illustration, Fashion Design.

At the moment, you can make payments with a credit card. Very soon we will be adding more payment methods according to the country you are in.

Honter guarantees that if the freelancer does not complete the work you have assigned, you will be refunded.

Registering on Honter, creating projects, making matches, receiving proposals, and chatting with freelancers is free. However, in case of a successful hire, you will be charged a ‘service fee’.

Do you still have doubts?

Connect with a Honter agent

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